I have worked with teens and adolescents in the Lake Travis School District for several years. I adore the spirit of young minds and work to build the long term thinking and goal orientation this age is building. We will work on finding what makes him/her feel heard and whole, while finding healthy ways to manage symptoms he/she is facing.
I am also qualified to provide the short term counseling necessary to meet the Behavioral Health requirements of the LTISD drug testing policy. I was the primary LPC provider for the initial two years of implementation within the district.
I offer a systems approach to individual counseling for teens and adolescents. While the child or young adult is my primary client, it is necessary to work together with the parents or guardians to provide the best chance for success. Please know that periodically, the parent or guardian may be asked to join the individual session, but will also be asked to come in for a consult session without the child present. This is an individual session required periodically.
Parent support is part of my approach in working with individual minor clients, it is my policy to include a parent coaching style session periodically after several individual sessions. This is not family counseling model, but supports the work of the child/adolescent/teen in counseling.
Parent support has the child/adolescent as the primary client, but using regular check ins or parent requested additional sessions brings the parent(s) into the therapeutic conversation. It helps with all of the features of Parent Coaching, plus:
- provides the client with system support by working with the caregiver to support the young person’s goals in counseling
- gives designated space to concerns or questions a parent/caregiver may have about the needs of the primary client