Emotional Regulation is an aspect of every type of counseling done with me. It is vital for our own well being and key in response to interpersonal conflict and life’s inevitable stressors. It is the foundation for building resilience and developing or maintaining a growth mindset.
For sustainable change, clients need to be able to recognize and manage emotions, awareness of their bodies signals and how to calm to prevent overwhelm. I teach the mechanics of emotional regulation, body and mind, to help every client come to a better understanding of personal triggers and personal coping mechanisms. What works best for you today and what may work best for you tomorrow.
Emotional Regulation Strategies:
- Neuroscience & Fight/Flight/Freeze/Fawn Response
- Name It to Tame It
- Somatic Awareness
- Emotional Acceptance
- Cognitive Reappraisal
- Mindfulness
- Progressive Muscle Relaxation
- Breathing Exercises
- Grounding Exercises
- Creative Expression
- Sensory and Physically Active Reset
- Expanding Window of Tolerance